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Brow Lift


How It Works

This is a procedure where the eyebrows are reshaped or lifted in order to make the eyes appear more open when the eyebrows are too low. In some cases, the outer part of the eyebrow needs to be lifted. In others, the inner part needs to be lifted, and some cases both.

The outer part of the eyebrow is lifted by making an incision in the hairline of the temple and removing the excess skin and pulling the outer half of the eyebrow upwards (lateral brow lift). This is then sutured. For the inner part of the eyebrow, small incisions are made in the scalp hairline directly above the eyebrow and the tissues are lifted upwards and anchored on the bone (medial brow lift). This procedure can be combined with a facelift or with an eyelid tuck (blepharoplasty).

If you would like to know if a brow lift is a good option for you, click below to book a consultation with Dr. Husain, or call us at (506) 853-5154 to schedule an appointment.


  • What are the types of brow lifts?

    There are several types of brow lifts, each varying in technique and approach. These include:

    • Coronal Brow Lift: Involves a single incision along the hairline to lift the entire forehead and brow.
    • Endoscopic Brow Lift: Utilizes smaller incisions and an endoscope (a small camera) to lift and reposition the brow muscles.
    • Temporal or Lateral Brow Lift: Focuses on lifting the outer portion of the brows, often performed with shorter incisions at the temples.


    The choice of brow lift type depends on the patient’s individual needs, goals, and the surgeon’s expertise.

  • Who is an ideal candidate for a brow lift?

    Ideal candidates for a brow lift are typically individuals who:

    • Have drooping brows that create a tired or aged appearance.
    • Exhibit forehead wrinkles or frown lines.
    • Are in good overall health and do not have underlying medical conditions that could complicate surgery.
    • Are usually over the age of 40, as brow aging becomes more prominent with time.


    A thorough consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon will help determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

  • How long do the results of a brow lift last?

    The results of a brow lift are long-lasting, often several years. However, it’s essential to understand that a brow lift does not halt the aging process. Over time, the natural aging of the skin and tissues may cause some recurrence of brow sagging or wrinkling. The longevity of results can be influenced by factors such as skin care, sun protection, and lifestyle choices.

  • Is a brow lift the same as a forehead lift?

    While the terms “brow lift” and “forehead lift” are often used interchangeably, there is a subtle distinction. A brow lift primarily targets the brow area to correct drooping eyebrows and reduce forehead wrinkles.

    In contrast, a forehead lift typically encompasses a broader area, addressing the upper face region, including the forehead. The choice between the two procedures is based on the specific aesthetic concerns and goals of the patient.

  • Can a brow lift be reversed?

    It is challenging to reverse the results of a brow lift, as the procedure involves altering the position of the brow muscles and tissues. However, in some cases, adjustments can be made to refine the outcome or address asymmetry.

    To achieve the desired results and minimize the need for revisions, clear communication with your surgeon about your goals and expectations is crucial.

  • What is the recovery time for a brow lift?

    Recovery time after a brow lift can vary among individuals and depends on factors such as the type of procedure performed and the patient’s overall health.

    Typically, patients can return to their normal activities within two weeks after the surgery. However, complete healing may take several months, during which time the final results become more apparent.

  • Are there non-surgical alternatives to a brow lift?

    Yes, non-surgical alternatives to a brow lift exist, such as Botox injections. These treatments can temporarily elevate the brows by relaxing the muscles that pull them downward. However, non-surgical methods provide limited results compared to surgical brow lifts. They require ongoing maintenance and may not be suitable for individuals with more significant brow sagging.

  • What are the risks associated with a brow lift?

    Like any surgical procedure, a brow lift carries certain risks and potential complications. These may include:

    • Scarring: Incisions may leave scars, which are typically well-hidden within the hairline or natural skin creases.
    • Changes in sensation: Temporary or permanent changes in sensation, such as numbness or altered sensitivity, may occur near the incision sites.
    • Asymmetry: Achieving perfect symmetry can be challenging, and some degree of asymmetry may persist.
    • General surgical risks: These include infection, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anesthesia.


    Choosing a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon is essential to minimize these risks and achieve a safe and successful outcome.

  • How should I prepare for a brow lift surgery?

    Preparing for a brow lift surgery involves several steps, including:

    • Discontinuing certain medications or supplements that can increase the risk of bleeding, as recommended by your surgeon.
    • Abstaining from smoking, as smoking can impede the healing process and increase the risk of complications.
    • Arranging for post-surgery care and transportation, as you may require assistance during the initial recovery period.
    • Following specific pre-operative instructions provided by your surgeon, which may include fasting before the procedure.


    Adhering to these pre-operative guidelines is crucial to ensuring a smooth and successful surgical experience.

  • How does a brow lift affect facial expressions?

    A correctly performed brow lift should maintain or enhance natural facial expressions. The procedure is designed to correct sagging and create a more youthful appearance without over-tightening or altering the fundamental structure of the face.

    Skilled plastic surgeons aim to achieve results that look natural and allow for expressive and emotive facial movements. It is vital to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to ensure that the results of your brow lift harmonize with your unique facial expressions and overall aesthetic.

Want to chat with our experts?

If you are wondering which surgical procedure would best meet your aesthetic goals, book in for a consultation with our board certified plastic surgeon. Please click below!